Prescribed and Interactive Ocean Biology in modelE (by Natassa Romanou, Watson Gregg and Gavin Schmidt) ========================================= This document describes the steps and methodology for running (non)interactive chlorophyll and interactive carbon cycle etc. step 1: Check out the model from CVS as usual cvs checkout modelE step 2: Choose which ocean model to use if any at all step 3: Choose whether you want to do i) chlorophyll-radiation feedbacks ii) real or prescribed chlorophyll and ocean biology iii) CO2 gas exchange with the atmosphere iv) prognostic alkalinity Then in the decks directory use the appropriate rundeck. ========================================= Description of CPPs to be used in the rundecks #define CHECK_OCEAN_HYCOM ! HYCOM ocean: needed for CMPE002 only #define HYCOM_RESOLUTION_2deg ! HYCOM ocean: use 2deg resolution for HYCOM ocean #define CHECK_OCEAN ! RUSSELL ocean: needed to compile aux/file CMPE002 #define TRACERS_OCEAN ! RUSSELL ocean: ocean tracers activated #define TRACERS_OCEAN_INDEP ! RUSSELL ocean: independently defined ocn tracers #define OBIO_ON_GARYocean ! RUSSELL ocean: prognostic ocean biology #define CHL_from_SeaWIFs ! RUSSELL ocean: read in SeaWIFs #define TRACERS_OceanBiology ! ANY ocean: Watson Gregg's ocean bio-geo-chem model #define OBIO_RAD_coupling ! ANY ocean: radiation -- ocean biology coupling #define pCO2_ONLINE ! ANY ocean: pCO2_seawater computed online #define TRACERS_ON ! ANY ocean: ATMOS tracers: include tracers code #define TRACERS_GASEXCH_ocean ! ANY ocean: special tracers to be passed to ocean #define TRACERS_GASEXCH_ocean_CO2 ! ANY ocean: special tracers to be passed to ocean #define CHL_from_OBIO ! ANY ocean: interactive CHL #define TRACERS_GASEXCH_CFC_Natassa ! ANY ocean: CFC-11 or CFC-12 #ifdef TRACERS_Alkalinity ! ANY ocean: prognostic alkalinity ========================================= Rundecks to be used for each case: E1ar_prescrocn.R ! for prescribed ocean + seawifs E1arobio_h.R ! hycom ocean + obio .... (more to come) E1arobio_g.R ! russell ocean + obio E1arseawifs.R ! russell ocean + seawifs E1arseawifs_2deg.R ! russell ocean + seawifs E1arobiogasx.R ! russell ocean + obio + gas exchange E1arobio_alk.R ! russell ocean + obio + alkalinity ========================================= Important: when using Russell ocean model **even without interctive gas exchange* you need to compile the following routines that refer to TRACERS_OCEAN TRACER_COM TRACERS_DRV ! configurable tracer code TRACERS ! generic tracer code